Adoption Lifebooks...
Helping Children Understand Their Past So
They Can Thrive in the Future
If there is one thing that's almost guaranteed, it's the fact that
someday adopted children will have questions. And rightfully so. Every child
deserves to know where s/he came from.
This site is dedicated to providing you with resources to help your
child understand their past so they can thrive in the future.
Most agency workers and adoptive parents agree that lifebooks have tremendous
value. The question they most often have is:
"What do I include in an adoption lifebook and
how in the world do I get started?"
Whether you're an adoptive mom or dad, or an agency worker, the
resources on this site will help with the lifebook creation process. Every tiny bit
of information is important to an adoptee. Adoption Lifebooks make for a creative
and special place to archive all the details.