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Your Child Can Create Her Own China Adoption Story

With an Adoption Lifebook

International adoptions are truly a labor of love in every sense of the word. They are often long, frustrating processes that seem to drag on forever. When your new child finally comes home, there is an overwhelming sense of joy and relief. As beautiful as adoptions from China and other countries are, they also come with their own set of special questions as children get older. This is why there is a special version of “My China Lifebook” an adoption memory book for kids from China.

My Adoption LifeBook:

A Workbook for Kids from China

by Beth O'Malley

With the help of this adoption memory book, children from China have an outlet to express their concerns and ask questions they might not otherwise ask such as:

“Why do I look so different from everyone

“Will I be accepted since I don’t look the same as the other kids?”

“How far away is China?”

“Will I ever get to see my orphanage?”

“Are my birth parents still alive in China?”

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$13.95 - 24 pages

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Sample pages (click for a larger view):

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Adoption Books Bring You Closer

My China LifeBook: An Adoption Memory Book for Kids Adopted from China is an interactive way to communicate with your child. With fill-in-the-blank questions, drawing pages and adoption-related homework the two of you can spend true quality time together and create lifelong memories.

With the guidance of this fun and helpful resource, you’ll be able to communicate better with your child, answer hard questions more easily, develop a closer relationship and define his/her past so s/he can thrive in the future!



 Jaz, age almost 9, would like to say:

 "I think the work book was great. I realy think it helps me to remember what happened  befor I was with my new mun and dad."  (Her spelling  not mine!) 

 Jaz’s Mom says:

“Jasmin was delighted with her workbook and had to read it through immediately!  She is full of ideas and has made a start already.  She liked the promises part and washes her hands before writing in her book!  It's fun being able to bounce ideas off each other and we will really enjoy making her 'treasure' together.

Thanks once again,
Jacqui Baker,  adoptive Mum from England)

To  Jaz, adopted from China
Mariah, adopted from China

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China Adoption Memory Books Makes Talking About

Hard Topics Easy (Well -- a little easier)

These are just a few of the concerns little ones have, but often won't voice without prompting from loved ones.

With the use of the China Lifebook/Memory Book, kids adopted from China will find that it's OK to talk about their concerns.

- a creative and fun outlet to voice their opinions

- a way to ask hard questions without fear

- built a heritage of their life in China--before they came to your home

You'll also love these adoption lifebooks because they make answering difficult questions very simple.  You'll find examples of loving, caring ways to phrase your answers so that your child will understand and be comforted



“Thank you for the adoption lifebook for kids from China. I took some of the wording right out of the book for [the page about doing something wrong] in my oldestdaughter’s lifebook. As I was reading my daughter the rough draft when she asked me if she did something wrong! All I had to say was ‘Let me finish this page.’

— Robin Morris, Michigan


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Contact Info:

Beth O'Malley
PO Box 520178
Winthrop, MA 02152
Fax: 617-846-6718
To order by phone call:


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Are You Ready for the Day Your Child asks:   "Mommy, did I grow in your tummy?"


Adoption lifebooks - sign up for free tips.  Beth O'Malley helping families create adoption lifebooks.